Wednesday, September 28, 2011

New York Times

On September 26, 2011 The New York Times published an article entitled “Fighting a Cancer with Vinegar and Ingenuity. The article discusses how doctors in Thailand use the same method as PINCC to save women from dying of cervical cancer and praises them for their resourcefulness and cost effective methods. To read the full article Please go to

Dr. Kay Taylor sent the following letter to the editor:

"Donald McNeil’s article (Sept. 27: A little vinegar and ingenuity) on cervical cancer prevention services shed an important light on a hardly-covered issue. The cervical cancer epidemic in the southern hemisphere has been given little support or attention, despite the death rate in Africa and Latin America being almost as high as maternal mortality. Yet cervical cancer – unlike other cancers -- is completely preventable.

PINCC (Prevention International: No Cervical Cancer) is an organization that brings American volunteer doctors to train local medical personnel in Africa, India and Latin America. We then donate the needed equipment to create self-sufficient centers for diagnosis and treatment. The unsung heroes of this movement are the many doctors, mid-levels, and lay people who pay their own way and donate their time to help the poor and high-risk women ignored by many countries’ health systems. However, funding for this work is difficult to obtain, unlike maternal/ child health or HIV/AIDS.

I applaud the George W. Bush Presidential Center for its recently announced “Pink Ribbon/ Red Ribbon” program to help defeat cervical cancer in Africa and Asia. They will work with PEPFAR programs, so that cervical screening will finally be included in HIV/AIDS care. At last, public health programs are recognizing this neglected public health epidemic. We can save so many women from a terrible death, with such simple tools and the great hearts of our volunteers! "

PINCC encourages our supporters to send similar letters of their experience with PINCC to New York Times' editor at

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